Iuris Laboral Rambla

Is a professional consulting firm specialized in labor law and human resource management, with the solid backing of Bertrán Ribera Asesores and Gibernau Asesores for tax, accounting and sales and marketing operations.

The number one asset of IURIS LABORAL is its team of professionals. Our team of young subject matter experts, each of whom has over 15 years of experience in the world of labor and work issues, possess top-tier academic credentials and are fully dedicated to the continuous learning needed to maintain leadership in the field.

Iuris Laboral - Partners

Access the employee portal

Our services

  • Management of the labor-administrative area of the company, being some of our services:
    • Management and processing of movements in the General Treasury of the Social Security; registrations, cancellations, variations, displacement of workers abroad.
    • Preparation of salary receipts
    • Processing and conciliation of Social Security
    • Preparation and presentation of payment letters (model 111-190) before the Tax Agency
    • Study and preparation of employment contracts
Iuris Laboral - Equipo
  • Continuous advice on labor matters
  • Preparation of letters of dismissal, reprimand and sanctions
  • Special regimes or systems of Social Security (self-employed, domestic workers, artists, etc.)
  • Assistance to acts of administrative conciliation before the SMAC and/or Labor Court of Catalonia
  • Legal assistance and representation before the Labor Inspection
  • Advice and processing of pension and benefits files before the National Institute of Social Security
  • Management of the continuous training credit of the company with FUNDAE
  • Socio-labour audits: analysis of the correlation between legal obligations and the reality of the company
  • Portal del empleado: herramienta de comunicación de la empresa con sus empleados 100% web
We provide the best solutions to our clients through efficiency and quality in our Services


Iuris Laboral - Ana Canillas

Ana Canillas


Iuris Laboral - Esther Castaño

Esther Castaño


Iuris Laboral - Nahoa González

Nahoa González


Bárbara Ribes

Barbara Ribes

Natalia Irimia

Yaiza Caballero

Jordi Conesa

Manténgase informado de las últimas novedades laborales

Associated offices